How to Keep a Schedule and Use Self Care When Working From Home


Working from home is working
When you have a remote job, you might refer to it as “working from home.” Remote jobs are just that; jobs.

Some people who don’t work remotely might affiliate “home” strictly with relaxation, spending time with their families, and doing whatever they want to do. When you work from home, you’re working from a location that you’re comfortable with, but you are still working. You’re completing actual tasks, adhering to deadlines, and working just as hard as you would in a traditional office setting. 

How to Keep a Schedule and Use Self Care When Working From Home

Whether you’re working from yourself as a freelance artist, writer, or designer, or you have a remote position for a company; you use your home environment to be productive. The things that you have to do for work can be as hectic as they would be while working anywhere else. Especially if you’re new to working from home or don’t have set hours, you might struggle with keeping a schedule or finding time to de-stress. There are steps that you can take to make your home an environment that’s conducive to producing quality work and taking care of yourself at the same time. Here are some ways to making the working from home experience a great one.

Creating a schedule

Especially when working from home, it’s vital to maintain a schedule. It doesn’t have to be stringent, and you can have some flexibility for yourself, but having an idea of what your day will be like will help you accomplish so much more during the day, and it’ll help you relax after work, too. Whether you start at 9 am, 11 am, or perhaps you work an overnight shift, having a schedule is extremely important because it alleviates anxiety. You know what you’re doing at any given time, and you can make sure to factor in time for breaks and meals. We can only be productive for so long before we need to step away from a task so that we can return to it later with a refreshed headspace.

The importance of breaks

When designing your schedule, be sure to factor in at least two breaks during the day. They don’t need to be very long and can last roughly fifteen minutes, but it’s crucial to set times where you’re not working so that your brain can rest and relax. Taking a break doesn’t make you less productive. It makes you produce better and higher-quality work rather than sitting at the computer, staring blankly. Breaks differ from the times that you take for meals or your lunch hour. They’re for clearing your mind so that you’re in a headspace to focus on your job throughout the day.

Factoring in time for meals

Another thing that people might struggle with when working from home is taking the time to make and eat meals. It’s essential to make sure that you’re regularly eating throughout the day. Be sure to eat something before work, and during your shift, take some time to have lunch. If you need to, take breaks for snacks. To produce the best job possible, it’s integral that you’re nourishing your body. If you’re crafting a schedule, you can create set times for meals or snacks if that’s what works for you. It’s important to remember that it’s not worth putting off eating to do more work. If you’re hungry, be sure to eat. Your mood, work, and overall health will benefit from it.

Boundaries with friends, family, and coworkers

When you work remotely, some people may not understand that working from home means that you’re doing actual productive tasks. They might try to call you, text you, or get you to video chat or hang out during your work hours. No matter how you do this, make sure to set boundaries with them. You can say, “I’m working, I’ll get back to you later,” and if they don’t respect that boundary, you can ignore them and continue to do your job. You don’t owe anyone a response during your work hours, and people in your life should understand that you have a real job that you need to focus on and dedicate yourself to. Setting boundaries will make it easier to avoid distractions when you’re trying to get things done. In some ways, working from home can be relaxing in the sense that you can almost always wear whatever clothes that you want, and you’re in an environment that you feel comfortable in. Still, it does come with challenges in addition to setting boundaries.

Stop working at a specific time

When you build your schedule, make sure that there’s a set time that you’re off work. In addition to knowing your start time, this is the most vital part of building a schedule as a remote worker. If people that you work with try to discuss work outside of your work hours, you do not need to reply until your next business day. Your time off-schedule is your relaxation time, and it is sacred to you. It’s also essential to set a boundary with yourself when it comes to not working after your set time off because you’ll end up burning out and won’t want to go back to work the next day. If you’re having difficulty balancing your work and the rest of your life, one place you can talk about this is in therapy. Online therapy is an excellent place to discuss issues surrounding your career and work life. You can speak with a therapist or psychologist either online or in your local area and discuss how you can make your remote working life as healthy and productive as can be.

This is a Guest Post by Marie Miguel 
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-  related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health  resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression. 



