Google - You Can Now Auto-Delete Your Location History


Google is making true on its promise to allow users auto-delete activities and location data. It has now began the roll out of location history deletion tools to Android and iOS; giving you a relatively simple way to limit the scope of Google's location tracking. 

You can only choose between deleting data after three or 18 months, but it beats leaving an extensive trail of info that you might not want Google or other third parties to see most especially when data has become a great tool for marketing and re-marketing these days.

Google- You Can Now Auto-Delete Your Location History

This new feature is not applicable to app and web activity data. To erase that, you will need to wait until sometime in the "coming weeks." Even so, this could be reassuring if you want to use Google's services but want tighter controls lest that info fall into the wrong hands.

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What do you think about Google's Auto-delete feature of your location history? Do tell us via comments


