6 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7


Due to many reports of explosions, Samsung created a recall and replacement program to fix the safety problems of their Galaxy Note 7 device. But unfortunately, the problems persisted, and some replacement devices have been reported to have explosion related issues again.

Network providers like AT&T and T-Mobile have halted Note7 replacements and offered refunds, and  many popular online platforms have officially retracted its recommendation of the device on Tuesday. If you are now looking for a device to replace your Samsung Galaxy Note 7, this article has got you covered. Here are five great choices you can choose from. SEE ALSO: 5 Upcoming smartphones worth waiting for in 2016

6 Alternatives to Samsung Galaxy Note 7

1. The OnePlus 3 The OnePlus 3 is a great alternative to the Note7, and at $400, it's much cheaper, too. The specs are at a comparable level to Nexus, Galaxy and iPhones, but without the premium price tag.

One Plus 3 - 5 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7
2. Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE If you still trust Samsung, go for the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. It's a bit smaller than the Note7, but it has the same curved screen design without the explosions.
Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE - 5 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7
3. Motorola Moto Z The Moto Z boasts a sleek, modular design. A couple of the phone's best features are its water resistance, responsive fingerprint scanner and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. There's no headphone jack though -- just like the iPhone 7
Motorola Moto Z
4. LG V20 The LG V20 is the first smartphone to launch with Android 7.0 Nougat pre-installed. This phone is great for photos with improved electronic image stabilization, and its sound quality is great. Also, it's good at not catching on fire.
LG V20 - 5 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7
5. The Infinix Note 3 The Infinix Note 3 was released sometime in August and it features a 13MP, 5MP rear and front camera respectively, 16 GB ROM, 2GB RAM with a 4500MAh battery for long lasting usage. In addition to that, the phone features a finger print sensor for better security and for sure - it has a headphone jack.
5 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7
   6. The Pixel and Pixel XL
5 Cool Android phones to replace Samsung Galaxy Note 7
The Pixel and Pixel XL have not yet been released -- October 13 is the pre-order date. Our official review is forthcoming, but we got the opportunity to try the device at a recent media event. We liked the design and new features -- and it even has a headphone jack.

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