Naira Card can now be used for International Transactions


Say bye bye to the days of sourcing for virtual cards to pay for items or services in USD, GBP and other currencies because the ban on our naira cards has been removed.

In an email sent by Wema bank to customers this friday, 14 July 2023. It confirms that Wema bank naira cards can now be used for international transactions up to $500/month. You can see the screenshot of the email below.

wema-bank-says-naira-card-can-now-be used-for-international-transactions

Part of the email reads, "You can now use your Naira cards, including Mastercard, ALAT Mastercard, and Visa, for international spending. For your international transactions, you can enjoy up to $500 per month."

While we wait for other banks like GTBank, Access bank and other commercial banks in Nigeria to follow suit, existing and prospective wema bank customers can begin to enjoy this good news.

I will go ahead and use my wema naira card for an international transaction now then update this post with result shortly.

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