Latest Firefox comes with Better Extensions, Enterprise IT Controls and Viewing mode


Mozilla Firefox has made it easier for users to select the best Firefox add-ons from a pool of extensions you would usually have to browse through on the browser. 

The just-released version of Firefox for desktop now comes with a list of recommended extensions, which have been selected based on their security strength, usability and usefulness. 

Latest Firefox comes with Better Extensions, Enterprise IT Controls and Viewing mode

You can see the curated list in the Get Add-ons section within the Firefox Add-ons Manager. Mozilla also included a feature that allows you to report any bad or malicious extension you come across directly through the Add-ons Manager itself.

That's not all, In addition to its efforts to make the Firefox add-ons ecosystem safer, Mozilla is making the Firefox Reader View dark mode even darker, as well. 

The mode usually covers the text area only, thereby changing a page's background to black to make reading in the dark easier on the eyes. But now the mode covers all the sections of the page you're browsing, plus the sidebars and the toolbar.

Mozilla has also updated Firefox for iOS with a new Recently Bookmarked section and the ability to edit bookmarks, giving you a way to reorder and rename them or even to change their URLs. 

Another new feature allows you to specify the sites you always want to open in desktop mode -- the browser will even confirm that you're on desktop view with a badge, so you don't have to grapple with any website's subpar mobile versions.

Download Latest Version of Firefox

You can download the latest of Firefox on their official page here 

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