Facebook To Start Allowing It's Subscribers Highlight Posts For a Fee


Few days back, the Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg announced that the number of Facebook users have finally surpassed 1 Billion and in order to  add another profit source to the networking site, they have began testing a new feature that will allow Facebook users to promote their posts to ensure that no matter how many friends they've got, the post will definitely be seen by each and every one of them

With this new feature, you no longer have to worry about your friends that maybe offline or having so many feeds, the new feature will ensure that your post does not go unnoticed by your friends or likes on facebook
Don't Do Drugs
This feature will be available for Facebook users with less than 5000 friends or subscribers and it goes with a fee that's not known yet although some sources mentioned $7 but not yet confirmed. I'll keep you posted once  i get the exact fee but for now,  make sure you subscribe to this Blog  To get our updates automatically in your Inbox Or Connect with Us on Facebook, Twitter and Circle us on Google+

NB: The feature is not yet available in all countries for now but has already been undergoing tests in New zealand and breaking borders into more countries
Nigeria is also on the waiting list. So, i'm still keeping my fingers crossed ....



