How I use the COLORIFY App. to make awesome pictures on Windows phone 7


Colorify is an application which allows you to carry out your creative, artistic skill on your pictures. With this application, you can turn the whole of your picture to grayscale and then stylishly restore your desired part of the picture to it's original color. You can also use it to paint your pictures anyhow you deem fit and then determine whether to share it immediately on your social networks or keep it on your phone by saving it (the choice is yours)

Enough of the talking, let me show you how I used the colorify application to make this picture you see below

1. Launch the application and it should automatically load your pictures library to select the picture you want to colorify

2. After selecting, the app will automatically produce the grayscale for editing

3. Use your finger tip to rub the part you want to restore it's original color ( as for the picture above, only the person in the picture was rubbed the background is not touched. Giving it a unique look)

4. To do some painting, just click on the circle at the top right hand corner of the screen > a drop box appears revealing different colors > choose your preferred  and tap the set color button > the drop box disappears then you just use your finger tip to rub the part you wish to paint

5. Click on this ••• at the left bottom corner on the screen to reveal different options, to share the picture, save it e.t.c


  • Just search for colorify in your marketplace or on your browser and click download. Presently it is only available for windows phone 7.5 or higher

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