Advertise on Inforisticblog
Got a product or service that will be interesting to Inforisticblog Readers? Then my blog is the right platform to advertise it. Below you’ll find some of the benefits you will get when you advertise on Inforisticblog.
Why Advertise with Inforisticblog?
- Increasing traffic basically from Organic search.
- Old and trusted website domain name
- Highly interactive audience
Blog Stats
- Over 100,000 monthly unique visitors
- Over 500,000 monthly page views.
- 11,000 RSS/email subscribers and still counting.
Advertising Options
- Sponsored Posts: We accept sponsored posts on topics that are relevant to existing articles on the blog. These articles should be minimum 500 words and 100% unique, you may also hire us to write this posts for you for an additional fee of $100
- Banners: We have the following sizes available: 300×250, 125×125. Banners are not rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% of the impressions.
- Post Review: If your product or service is relevant and useful to our audience, I may review it on the blog.
- Email Blast: A review of your product or service will also be emailed to my newsletter subscribers.
- Social Media reach: Your content will also be shared to thousands of followers and internet users on all my social media channels which includes Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus
Get In Touch For Rates and Availability
If you are interested, Contact Me here and I’ll get back to you with the rates and availability.